We're a six person homeschooling family--complete with one 62 pound "puppy" and two grumpy part-Siamese cats-- on a cross-country pilgrimmage to a new brand new life (in the dead of winter). Come along for the ride! Is there a Starbucks near here?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Vegas to Williams, AZ

We left Las Vegas, NV and headed for Williams, AZ. Gorgeous views, as usual.

I have realized that my geographic knowledge was severely lacking. I grew up in Northern IL. It's flat there.

After I married, I moved to San Antonio, TX for three years and then to Bryan/College Station, TX for two more. With the exception of the Hill Country, it's pretty much flat there, too.

I had no clue that NV, AZ, and NM are not flat! We reached an elevation of 6700 ft. above sea level in Williams and I spent a sleepless night afraid our water systems would freeze.


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