We're a six person homeschooling family--complete with one 62 pound "puppy" and two grumpy part-Siamese cats-- on a cross-country pilgrimmage to a new brand new life (in the dead of winter). Come along for the ride! Is there a Starbucks near here?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Grand Canyon to Mesa, AZ--a loooooong drive

We drove from Williams to The Grand Canyon and then down to Mesa, AZ in one day.

This was a moutainous drive, in which we reached 8000 ft. at one point. It was also a winding road, that gave at least some of us car-sickness.

Still, beautiful. Entire patches of snow-white birch trees in the forest. Snowy moutain peaks. Beautiful cliffs.

We spent the night in Mesa so that we could turn over the "Roll in to AZ" RV to trade it for our "Roll out of AZ" RV.


Blogger tapu said...

Thre are problems along the road such as bad cops, weird laws and like you said a winding road... etc.
Those things can get you angry and the accident will happen.

I think travel audio books can calm you down when you get angry. Sometimes it makes your kids sleep easily so they won't annoy your driving.

Check out this store http://astore.amazon.com/listentoaudiobook-20 if you want to get some.

Monday, December 31, 2007 8:06:00 AM


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