We're a six person homeschooling family--complete with one 62 pound "puppy" and two grumpy part-Siamese cats-- on a cross-country pilgrimmage to a new brand new life (in the dead of winter). Come along for the ride! Is there a Starbucks near here?

Monday, January 09, 2006


This is the beginning of the on-line journal of our family as we begin the trip of a lifetime! We are a homeschool family, moving from Hawaii to Illinois. Only we're taking the scenic route via RV. Pray for good weather and safe roads!

Here's the cast of players:
Hubby (aka Dad, until he gives me another handle)-the bestest, most wonderful, not to mention tallest man on the earth. Recently "retired" from serving our country in the USAF for twenty years.
ginabina-me; host of momisright
Foo-the eldest of four, teen-aged daughter
Boo-the "middle child" of the family. Also a teen-aged daughter.
The Boy-the boy. Pre-teen.
The Little One (aka TLO)-the eight year old daughter.
Payton-60ish pound black lab "puppy"
Kona and Kahlua (aka "the boys")-our two grumpy part-Siamese cats

The mission:
To make it from the left coast to the Midwest safely, all the while seeing neat things, meeting neat people and making neat memories. Oh yeah, we'd all like to still be talking to each other when we arrive.

We'll be posting from the road, but will be a little iffy about our whereabouts, mostly posting about past stops along our journey. If you really want to know exactly where we are, call our parents.

We're still packing up the house...stay tuned!!!